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Open Source

Our mission

Your data can contain private and sensitive data by their nature. We believe that individuals and companies should be able to be in full control of their own data. This means the freedom to choose where and how the data are stored, and freedom in choice of software. That is why we chose DAVx5 as a Sync Adapter to synchronise your data between your phone and any compatible CalDAV-server. CalDav is an open protocol and thus can be used with various server and client software. Also DAVx5 is free and open-source (FOSS).

Software still doesn’t make itself

The development of an app is a complex topic and development, maintenance and support is hard work. So, although we offer our app for free, we highly appreciate your support and ask you to contribute to our project by reporting bugs, sending feature requests, extending the documentation, by buying the ad-free option within the app on the Play Store or by contributing or donating to the project. Thank you! 🙂


The sourcecode of jtx Board is publically available on GitHub.
If you would like to install the app signed by the developer you can find the .apk files on the GitHub releases.
The releases page also supports the usage of tools like Obtainium that helps you to automatically keep your apps from source up to date.

Available on f-Droid

jtx Board is also available on f-Droid. This version is using only open source libraries and does not include ads or subscriptions. 🙂 Here’s the direct link to the jtx Board package on f-Droid.